Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Center
Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Center

We are able to treat and rehabilitate any conditions in our Physical Therapy Center. These include:
We are able to treat and rehabilitate any conditions in our Physical Therapy Center. These include:
-Rotation Cuff Therapy & Refracture

Currently we have 3 licensed Doctors of Chiropractic who also have Physical Therapy privileges. This means our scope includes all services allowed to Physical Therapies.
Our clinic has a large P.T./Rehab facility since 1988. We offer the following services:
High Volt Galvantic Stimulation
Interferential Current Therapy
Lumbar & Cervical Traction
Class III Cold Laser
Graston Technique
Mackenzie & Williams Exercises
Balance Training
Core Conditioning
PNF Stretching
Myofascial Release
Joint Mobilization
​GAIT Training
Kinetic Activities
Post-Surgical REHAB for the following:
Rotator Cuff,
•Knee Replacement
•Hip Replacement
•Spinal Stenosis
•Shoulder Replacement
We help you get back on your fee​t!
We help you get back on your fee​t!
Our rehabilitation team helps patients recover from accidents, injuries or disease to
regain their strength and range of motion
with a goal of returning to your
hobbies and activities you enjoy!